Contacts / Report abuse

email: [email protected]

In the land of the shortened link, so concise,
Where brevity reigns, in a digital guise,
A world of short URLs, with ease we craft,
But when abuse arises, we must take a path.

If ever you stumble on links that deceive,
Scams, phishing schemes, that make you grieve,
Or violations of intellectual rights,
Within our short link realm, these are the plights,

To report these misdeeds, we extend a hand,
With words of caution, we firmly stand,
For the safety of all, in this digital age,
We strive to protect, to quell the outrage.

In the silence of cyberspace, do not despair,
There's a way to ensure fair play is our care,
To [email protected], an email you'll send,
Reporting the abuse, our help to extend.

With subject "Abuse Report," make your case,
Detail the issue, put it in its place,
Our link shortener's duty is to maintain,
A trusted space where users can gain.

From illicit use, we'll strive to defend,
The integrity of our short link's blend,
Of trust, simplicity, and reliability,
In this digital realm, our shared responsibility.

So remember, dear user, be vigilant, stay true,
And if you see abuse, here's what to do,
Together we'll safeguard this short link domain,
A secure, efficient, and reliable terrain.